*[[ HoLiDaYs! ]]*

[[ Friends are for Life.. ]]
haix why cant the sky just rain money??
i need $398~~~
haix i suddenly got this stupid idea ytd when out together with shiru and cecilia.. bcuz the both of them are interested in getting a new handphone line and shiru only wanted a line but not the phone cuz her nokia 7610 is good enough. YES! precisely!! 7610 is an amazing phone! i have been aiming this phone since like dinosaur years ago when it first came out.. but this stupid phone's price die die wont drop. maybe bcuz of the interesting function it has.. no i dun feel like listing down bcuz i will only tempt myself even more..
anyway i had just change my phone like only last month? that time my dad insist he dun have money and can only change a phone below 100 bucks. wah sai~ 7610 was $238 at that time.. aiish! bo bian~ now hols i have at least earn some money.. so i told shiru since she dun wanna get new phone might as well she get one 7610 for me and she just use the new line. clever right? i know thanx u. LOL! but the only bloody problem ish now the price had rose to $398.. $398!!!!!!! @$#^&^@X no way!!
see 56 concert tix coming out for sales soon and i needa keep aside $150 for that. left not much liao lo.. if its $200+ i still can manage NOW ITS BLOODY $398!!!! even if i survive on plain water everyday oso wont be enough.. WHY!!!! why am i so damn poor?! i dun care! i wan means wan! 7610 u cant run away this time!!! but where can i get $398??? my parents is out. wun be asking from them cuz they will skin me. 4D?? but im under 18 lo! and buy what number?? 5566?? *tear hair* why cant the sky just rain money???!!!
yay!!! i haven been online for almost a week and so many good news!! firstly 56 had gai ban their cd and u know whats the cover for gai ban? u can see 56 in opera costume! omg!! can u imagine that?? no? nah, see below:
that is group photo.. the girl seems familiar right? lolx! ish xiaoqiao actually!! she looks better in this..
so ke ai~!!!! this is actually from one of their new mvs.. so shun bian gai ban include the same pictures.. ke ai!!!
wah today very sian.. and oso very hyper.. cuz today ish the end of my second holiday job.. this 3 days (wed to fri) me, cecilia, celin, joyce, shiru and wan ling are working at this suntec exhibition.. very fun job!! LOL.. cuz me ah lia and wan ling ish doing data entry work while the rest is doing ushering.. its quite fun lo seriously.. just a bit tired but anyway the rule states no unnecessary talking or giggling during work time.. unfortunately we broke the rule like nobody business! LOL~ keep chatting when typing and giggling and stuff.. wahahaha..
and mostly the visitors of the exhibition trade show are those CEOs, directors, managers of high high rank one.. wah shiok! we can even order them around "fill in this!" "go over there to the booth at the right to fill the form!" lol~ of course we dun shout at them lah but the joy of commanding them and even to meet them in person is so shiok man!! maybe not even their own employees have the chance to meet their company's CEO in person.. this job is fun to the core!! though there are also unreasonable cases (quite a few) but heck lah.. OH!! and we saw our lecturer today at the show!! LOL! our faom lecturer paul ng! wahaha! and just nice we got our result in the morning.. funny sia~ and now im so used to "next please!" because we need to direct the crowd over to our counter and "thank you sir have a nice day!" hahaha.. got a bit sad that today last day le.. no more fun.. AND NO MORE MONEY~~~~ I WAN JOB~~~ I WAN MONEY~~~ (should just ask those CEOs whether they got sons of our age anot hor.. haix! wasted!)
then after work we went to TM for dinner.. with elaine and eileen joining.. during dinner we keep chatting abt work stuff.. poor elaine and eileen got lotsa question marks on their heads hahaha..
and i still have renfu solo one and LOL!! muz put xiezhi close up!! he looks as though he got a punch in his eye:
oh my god... *stun tio* bloody hell despite our attempt to hide ourselves from the camera i still spotted us in the picture on wan bao ytd. freaking hell. THIS IS BAD!!!
wah lau that camera man very li hai lo.. the picture he captured no one was hiding from the camera lo! u know why? cuz 5566 just arrived at tht time and everyone so eager to see them so din really notice the camera. ni hao!!! suan ni li hai!! %!#@#$%#
but this time our pose still not bad.. weiping was holding camera cover half her face.. ailing is also with a camera.. kelly most li hai, she was sitting down so very obvious.. i was beside her.. i cant figure out my pose though.. but dun look stupid lah so im okie with it.. lol! not like last time kana film at the airport like some siao fans of xiezhi when I AM NOT!!! just happen to help kelly pass her reuslt slip to xiezhi nia.. haix.. and i realise one thing. i was in the same series of pink for both time. hmmmmmm.. that time i was telling chu xian to wear lighter shade of pink to auto ss next time but i forgot!!! then this happen. haix next time muz rmb.. and add on shades, a cap and a mask.. better still the motorcycle helmet.. lol then wont be scare of the camera again!
wah sai.. i look exactly like a charcoal now.. im totally BURNT!! u can really see two EXTREME colours on my arms. the ying and the yang. tsk tsk.
and all these is because of 56. haix.. bo bian.. now i know how a roasted pig feels in an oven. its torturing.. and u know how ppl like to describe the sun as merciless, blazing, fiery hot? perfect description!! we have been bake in the sun from 8 plus to 530pm. we are cooked lo! ready for serving.
meet eileen, ailing, weiping and kelly at 715am. grab breakfast and set off to the padang where the session is held.. and we got to cut kelly's friend queue so more front.. hee.. but compare to yue.. haix... hers ish so front.. they let us into the session area at around 12 plus and mi gosh.. they are learning taiwan's autogrpah session where they queue us up in the formation - 56. weeeeeee~!!! im the 401 person in the queue and the 6 of us was queuing in the '56' de '6' formation. and we were the first few. guess what?!?! we were at the first row!!!!!!!!! wah song!!!! imagine! they are right in front of us!! and we dun even need to queue overnight for that! wow wow wow! over high BUT still HOT!!! i know vitamin D ish good for the body but I DUN NEED THEM!!! get lost!! one bad thing about standing so front was the horrifying word - camera. shucks. saw wan quan yu le crew and cameraman stand near us. and i guess he really like our side.. kept loitering around our area with his big big camera. haix..
actually we dun intend to stand up when 56 arrive since we at the first row... at 315pm they arrived!!! wah chaos from then! too high le lo! impossible not to stand up. and i got the album in my hands to block the sun.. wee they sang hao jiu bu jian.. and i started doing the handsign with kelly and oso one group of kelly's friend beside us.. hee~ fufu stand at my side there and keep smiling and looking our direction!! zhan! but the sun a bit glaring at times.. and we have to keep our umbrella.. okie fine. then they sang 'crying in the rain' (though its bloody hot there). poor thing, they shoot mv til 4am ytd and rush to the airport at 5am.. they dun even have time to pack their luggage lo!! and reach singapore go hotel less than 2 hrs later had to come here for the session.. hao ke lian!
after the '5' formation clear all the signature then ish our turn.. but chaos!! those from behind keep squeezing. bloody hell. luckily the sercuity guard very kind and helpful.. they block the crowd behind in time! yay!! wan sui to warner sercuities!! they did study management, not bad. but jus before i went onstage the contents of my album fell out. SHUCKS!! i half run half pack half rush onstage.. when onstage suddenly find out that 56 very enthu today!! xiezhi and mengzhe was screaming something i cant figure out.. anyway the sitting order was - xiezhi, mengzhe, renfu. and i forget to mention smth.. we wrote our name at corner of the cd cover.. xiezhi was the first one and as he signed he scream and look up "JIAHUI!! XIEXIE NI!!" mi gosh!!! can u imagine how shiok when he call out ur name?? *dreams away* lol so i replied "HAI! XIEXIE NI XIEZHI!" next up mengzhe. nv call out name nvm, he didnt even look up! shit u! dao what! nvm as if i xi han. then ish FUFU!! he got purple fringe today!! shuai!! so like xiezhi he oso call out "JIAHUI!! XIEXIE!!" hee hee~~ shuang until cannot! i replied " xiexie!!!" then he cont to stare at me for a while.. "AH! JIAYOU JIAYOU!!" i got stunned there so suddenly this 'jiayou' pop out itself.. and he got reply 'jiayou' too!! *lalalalaa~~* fufufufufu~~
haix i got another album which im helping my cousin to sign (which i gladly accept) cuz can see them again!! so queue again.. this time with yue and kelly.. so so so sorry kelly!! i keep poking u with my umbrella.. somehow my umbrella jus hate u so much.. lol.. but im really sorry. 2nd time queue actually was quite fast to my surprise.. again i transfer the sticker with my name to my cousin cd.. yay!! and yet again i was in a great panic before going onstage.. was trying to close my umbrella while struggling with a call from weiping (she was resting somewhere) and finding eileen's number to msg her.. luan!!
yup im back onstage hee!!! again xiezhi shouted my name..but this time he sound more tired.. cuz they didnt stop and rest or anything.. poor darlings~ and i finally rmb to tell him muz take care of himself but i dun think he heard me.. nvm.. then mengzhe aye go die! ignore him.. then fufu!! call out my name again and said thanx u.. and i oso told him take care of himself he replied "hao!!" yay!! i got 3 different reply from him today!!
we were the last few as we re-queue.. so after a while they finish the session and sang one last song 'bai se hua yang' LIVE OH!!! 56 actually singing live oh!!! lol! nan de yi jian.. but not bad mah.. but i was busy snapping that time.. i mean pictures.. finally everything ended and they had to rush to another event.. hao ke lian~ muz take care!!! 56 zui bang!! jiayou!!
was still so suay that day but was actually rather lucky yesterday! as usual was working yesterday at raffles place there.. it was a boring and restless morning until i suddenly spot someone very familiar. oh! that jason from project superstar! he was with a guy fren and went into a fugi. so i immediately told wan ling and she even went up to him to ask him to do the survey.. he rejected saying that he was in a rush. okie fine. in a rush still walk as though he was strolling in a garden..
bcuz cecilia and the rest of us were separated during working time so when we get together for a short break cecilia was also saying she saw jason.. even celine and joyce oso saw him. wah he ish parading around raffles place arh?! as i was saying that he appear from behind again!! wah sai! after that he disappear for a while and then spotted him at near the mrt station again. wtf?!?!
after work we went to caltex house basement for lunch and we girls was talking abt him blah blah and guess what?? we saw him eating at the basement too. =.=||| the best thing ish he was actually waiting for one of our colleague for lunch together. as we pass by their table edwin waved to our colleague and turn to me : "eh! i thought u all hate jason one?" WAH LAU!!! uncle dun get me into trouble lo!! i bet jason heard him lo cuz he turned and look. shucks! since when we say we hate him?? even so also dun need to say so loud in front of him arh!! diao!
after that we took train back to century square food court to sit and chat before returing home.. u know the century square metro entrance where they link TM and CS? yupx. we saw another superstar contest - hagen. wow. what a special day. but i only saw his backview. wan ling was running after him to have a better view. wah kao do u have to go so far?? and i said something very bad. i shouted to wan ling " oi! whats so nice to see? you bu shi junyang!" i dunno ixit he heard me or just happen that he turned around when he was on the escalator. if he really heard me i feel very bad! shouldnt have say so loud. oops! got influenced by edwin. pai seh oh! but then, its the truth. if thats junyang aissh!! i will run after him to take photo! heehee~
ooh anyway good news!!!!!! erm to me lah ish good news.. that is 5566 ish coming this sat!! yay! muz go and support oh!! eh nono, better not go.. if not will have a lot of ppl.. i might die of exhaustion, dehydration or simply get stomp to death. aissh! i still wanna live longer! but yay get to see fufu again!! after like.. 5 months.. ^^ wah so long nv see him le.. cant wait for this sat.. and tmr ish the last day of work hee! time to look for another job.
urgh!!! im so bloody pissed off now!! today was suppose to go to my grandma house.. usually we would go together with my cousin family as they will drive us there but now its getting more cramp up in the car so me and my mum took the bus there..
we alight at parkway and was raining rather heavily at that time.. so we do some shopping first then intend to return to my grandma house when the rain subsides.. i was craving for her laska!! so as we make out way back to my grandma house we were walking pass this sheltered area beside a neighbourhood store when suddenly there ish this very loud splashing sound and the next thing i know my jeans is filthy WET!!!! TMD!! apparently it had been raining very hard and those eneighbourhood stores often some kind of plastic 'roofing' to shelter their products outside and the rain water was weighing it down. so the owner choose the perfect timing, took a bamboo stick and poke at the plastic 'roofing' underneath to get rid of the water. and im just so damn LUCKY to pass by at that time. fuck it. my mum escape it before she was in front of me.. the trail of ppl behind me escape it too. WHY AM I THE UNLUCKY ONE?!?!?!?! KNN!!! was really very very pissed off and screamed all the words in my word (apparently not very decent words) i dun care ish public place lo! u get on my nerve u die. bai tuo lo! ur mum dun give u 2 eyes on ur bloody face for no reason. and do my new jeans look like some bloody drain to u?!?! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
was in the worse mood of my life. as we pass by one shop my mum went in to bought some dessert for my grandma and she told me she saw dunno which mediacorp stars inside. LIKE I CARE!! even if renfu ish inside oso no use!! ask him wait till i calm down and my anger subside.. which is gonna be a year later! HUMPH!!! ANGRY!!!! KNN!!!
whooo~ today another k box day.. just wake up and saw cecilia sms say wan go k box.. aiyowei~ this is too last minute le bah.. wahaha but anyway they (cecilia, celine and joyce) went in first and i joined them an hour later..
today k box become a superstar day.. we dig out the songs that were sing in superstar before either by junyang, kelly, weilian or xinhui or derrick. lol weilian's song are especially old~~ the session was suppose to end at 530 according to the person but at 6 no one chase us out, neither did the second serving of drink appeared.. weird.. so we call and ask for our drinks.. and also refill the tibits.. within a few minutes the tibits was wipe out by our cecilia like she have been starving since a month ago.. wahahaha so ask them for refill again AND history repeated itself.. everything wipe out within minutes LOL.. and now no one dare ask for refill again.. so pai seh lo!! forget it! wahahaha.
still no one chase us out at 7... hmm.... so we thought they will come soon and keep repeating our last song, favourite - mei li de ben nu ren.. eh? still no one came? celine went to choose s.h.e superstar to high and thats it! from that song onwards we dig out all the high high fast tempo song we can ever remember. from amei to elva to shin to shino to even 5566 and jolin!! wah that was SHIOK!!! we were on the sofa dancing and screaming like no one business. OH!! and still got tuo diao!! lol! tsk tsk~ in the end we were like so tired as though we run in a cross country. over-high. wahaha the most funny thing is everyone of us lost our voice and cecilia one was the worse! hahaha she told me to add this point that she lost her voice not because she sang too much but because she wipe out all the tibits remember?? LOL! woohoo that was high! in the end we surrender at almost 9 cuz really no voice and energy le.. and the person finally realise that we exceed the time like hell.. its almost 9 lo!! tsk tsk weird management BUT to our advantage! so next time if we are too stressed up on projects and stuff rmb to go k box find all the fast tempo rock song and SCREAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM~~~!!! *wo fan ah!!*
whoosh~ dead beat and yet still high wahaha. well actually me had started work ytd (thursday).. the printer promotion thingy job.. yea, at raffles place there and the first day of work we are late.. thought i was very late and in the end wan ling later than me.. ok, yi shan hai you yi shan shan. lol~ luckily the management was kind and friendly and din scold us or something.. so sorry to make everyone waiting for us.. but the tee we were suppose to wear was in horrifying disgustingly sunny ORANGE with the words '100 days of free printing!' smack right at the back of it... eeeeew~ but the job was easy.. grab someone, ask for namecard and do the survey, here u go FREE ICE CREAM! this word F-R-E-E really can tempt singaporean lo.. tsk tsk.. the 7 of us knock off at 230 with aching feet and went to grab lunch.. super hungry~~~ and that edwin make us walk so many rounds before we find some tasteless de mix rice.. not nice de but heck, we are just so hungry that we can eat a cow.
after that the 4 of us rush home, reached home at 430 and was suppose to meet at the interchange at 445. wah lau this is mission impossible 3!! cuz we need to go for the jue dui superstar live at indoor stadium! in the end we reached the stadium early but waited for shiru sooooo long till the gate was almost gonna close soon and the crowd had all cleared and went into the stadium.. whoosh~ LATE~~~ but anyway we were all in blue tees. outwardly we seems to be supporting wei lian but our hearts are at the red colour side! meaning kelly. was a great performance! me and cecilia there high like siao.. screaming and blowing whistle.. and JJ was there!! bei feng cui guo de xia tian~ well.. a bit disappointed that wei lian won but its expected lo.. in our area everyone jumped and rose from their seat when the result ish announced.. inly us sit there sighing.. in the end cuz we cant see as everyone was standing we stood up too.. =.=
friday - 'business' is bad cuz its a rainy day and who would wan ice cream?! bad like hell.. till the cheer leading performance start attracting crowd over then we manage to grab lotsa ppl. grab an ice cream after work and as usual went for lunch together.. today go BK eat.. and we were chatting away when i suggest to celine (cecilia fren) we go k box. she immediately agree! thought was kidding but no she wasnt. WHOOSH! okok! wan ling doesnt wan to come along and the 2 guys got smth on.. so too bad the 4 of us go.. went into the train intending to go back to tampines one when me big mouth suggest go marina square one.. and they are very 'on' so went off the train, took back to city hall (we were at bugis) go marina square de. aye~ 430-7pm slot.. sux lah.. we pay the same price as those who came at 2. NO WAY! so we went back tamp de.. haix..
530-8.. hmmm.. shud be better lah.. hahaha, and cecilia die die dun wan sing.. she arh.. humph! first time go k wiht them.. joyce got a nice voice and celine voice is powerful lo! hahaha. and coco song - mei li de ben nu ren became our favourite! cuz kelly sang it before.. her zhao pai song. haha was repeating the song and high-ing inside.. "OK?" *in a seduce voice* wahahaha this "ok" very fun lo.. its part of the song.. we even divide into 'fan' area and 'singer' area to sing.. =.= so ke ai but super fun!! lol bery long nv go k box le thats why. we going again next week!! wheeee~~ haha okie, mei li de ben nu ren wan to sleep le.. so gdnight!!
*sob* hen tong neh!! rmb the only stupid covered shoe i have which i wore during new year? yesterday we need to go for a job briefing at near tanjong pagar there.. and one of the requirement was NO SLIPPER ALLOW. wth? whats is the bloody problem woth slippers anyway??!! fine fine. no slippers lo.. i wore the covered shoe.. at first the back of my feet was bruised so i decide to step on the spine of shoes and rest my feet while dragging my shoes. so far so good UNTIL suddenly the front part of my feet started to turn painfully red.. shucks.. i put too much stressed at the front of my feet and in the end it got bruised also.. its not only painfully its torturing.. really wanna cry out.. UNBEARABLE PAIN!!
never had i encounter such painful shoes. and we arrived toooo early for the briefing.. lol.. was actually suppose to start to 345 in the end we reached at 315.. waited an hour before they got us to room for the briefing.. wah kao.. time management hello?! i thought time is the most important factor in business line?! punctuality hello? heard of this word before? tsk tsk.. first impression ish already so bad.. after sian-ing for an hour the briefing only last for at most 10 mins.. ^@%@%*$% make my whole feet bruised and swollen jus for a 10 mins briefing?!?! shit u lah..
while we make our way back to the mrt station i really cannot stand the pain.. there's this underground passage leading to the mrt station which is very empty and eerie.. heck lah.. i took off my shoes and walk through the passageway.. BUA TAHAN!! i dun care is public area.. i only know PAIN!!! luckily there's no one around too except the 7 of us (fei hua). when reach tampines i had no choice but to go shoebox and grab one sandal.. whoosh! like finally.. my feet is free from the torture! to the rescue!! wahaha..
but now it had turned more red and even swollen.. both my feet lo.. ho seh.. and tmr i still need to wear another covered shoe (which i jus bot at century square and confirm the shoe is make of the softest material i can find.. wun be painful anymore) to work.. though the shoes is soft, but my feet are already bruised.. and more friction against the wound too.. waaaaaaaa~ hopefully it wun get infected.. cuz the wound look really scary.. i can almost see the red blood cell and white blood cell flowing thru the veins.. (wahaha! exaggerating!) anyway the morale of the story ish please choose a pair of shoe carefully.. dun be like me.. i love to rush into things.. grab and go.. and my feet gotta suffer.. haix.. *sob*
=> Clarine Tham Jia Hui
=> aka Berry, Huihui, Huiz, s0t0ng
=> Horoscope: Sagittarius
=> Birthday: 28 Nov 1987
=> School: Temasek Polytechnic (MArketing)
~* 5566 'tong yi ge shi jie' cOnceRt dvd!
~* Ge dou tian wang vcd set
~* Wang zi bian qing wa vcd set
~* Bugis Pink jacket
~* a&f skirt
~* Converse shoes!
~* More earrings
~* converse jacket
~* i pod mini
~* Mickey mouse cap
~* Taiwan trip!
~* Hong Kong trip!
~* seeing 'Z' in my results
~* Winnie the Pooh soft toy!
~* driving license
[[ TAggie ]]