*[[ HoLiDaYs! ]]*

[[ Friends are for Life.. ]]
last day of 2005!!!
rmb to return money u owe.. not good to bring forward the debt to a new year.. ^^
5 hrs and 53 more mintues to go!
hope 2006 can be a peaceful year.. *pray*
sayonara for now! going out to party le heehee~
enjoy guys!!!
haix.. sick le..
like finally.. had been feeling pretty unwell before 56 concert.. and the thing that spark it off was the spicy stingray me cc and shiru ate at bedok 85 on tuesday..
but was very nice!! so nvm lah.. lol..
stupid sore throat running rose and fever.. haix.. dun feel like seeing doctor.. see him = money.. somemore now holiday no need to take mc LOL! flu flu go away~~ come again another day~~ eh, CHOY! CHOY!! better dun come again..
haix.. should have permanently on holiday at bintan and dun come back (though i prefer taiwan ^^) come back keep myself so busy with projects projects projects..
marketing is fun and my cup of tea but really require lots lots of work, thinking, STRESS~ i scared i cannot take it anymore.. in poly already like this, i can imagine the workload in working world.. plus those evil scheming realistic so call 'colleagues' u will face. headache arh~
and i think gary lin kana shoot until very jialat.. lots of ppl got bad comments abt internet marketing.. LOL! lots ppl write long list of bad comments about internet marketing going 100% online etc etc at the interim survey... wahaha! im one of them! normally im so lazy to write at the 'any other comments' section. for this subject i keep typing and typing.. critisizing the e-lec, useless tut and pbl discussion and of cuz the stupid quiz. those who haven do the interim survey faster go do!! very good way to fa xie! LOL! just keep critisizing.. no worries u wun be the only one.
ytd chatting with pei and elaine and found out that actually not only marketing stress, the other course also.. their workload could be more tedious than us..
pei in IT had to memorise and understand those java script (u might as well kill me) and elaine is in DESIGN also sama sama, need to come up with innovative and creative webby design that others dun have. and they have to fork out money for doing some business oso.. ARGH! polys chao blood-sucking. pay so exp sch fees dunno for what. everything still requires money. even projects. we are just students lo.. where the hell we find money? somemore not confirm to make profits.. who wans to make a big loss just for project sake? yuan lai grades can be buy one..
and i was actually complaining too much about the exp school fees blah blah until the bus driver thought i din tap my card when i board.. *glare* i got tap lo.. my ez link still on my hand when he ask me whether i got tap my card anot.. @#%&&@ and i still comment that i left with only 66cents muz rmb to top up. accuse me. humph! i damn loathe ppl accuse me! save that miserable 60cents bus fare for what sia? somemore i so good girl de lo~ *wink wink* WAHAHA!
anyway 2006 coming soon! in 2 more days.. so enjoy!!!!!! muz go count down!
Your Heart Is Pink
In relationships, you like to play innocent - even though you aren't.
Each time you fall in love, it's like falling for the first time.
Your flirting style: Coy
Your lucky first date: Picnic in the park
Your dream lover: Is both caring and dominant
What you bring to relationships: RomanceYour Birthdate: November 28
You have a Type A personality so big it makes other Type A's shrink away in shame.
You never shy away from adversity - and you love to tackle impossible problems.
Failure is not an option for you, and more than a few people are put off by your ego.
You tend to be controlling, and you hate leaving anything up to chance.
Your strength: Your bold approach to life
Your weakness: You don't accept help
Your power color: Bronze
Your power symbol: Pyramid
Your power month: OctoberYou Are Likely a First Born
At your darkest moments, you feel guilty.
At work and school, you do best when you're researching.
When you love someone, you tend to agree with them often.
In friendship, you are considerate and compromising.
Your ideal careers are: business, research, counseling, promotion, and speaking.
You will leave your mark on the world with discoveries, new information, and teaching people to dream.Your Inner Child Is Surprised
You see many things through the eyes of a child.
Meaning, you're rarely cynical or jaded.
You cherish all of the details in life.
Easily fascinated, you enjoy experiencing new things.
merry belated christmas!!
and oso condolence to those victim in the tsunami a year ago..
anyway the bintan trip..
firstly the ferry to bintan was a killer. like almost 3/4 of the ppl on board got sea sick and everywhere u see ppl throwing up.. diao... not bad arh i still can survive the journey worh! just a bit giddy but still ok.. heehee~ if plane i sure bth..
the bintan resort still not bad.. still hvae malay dance to welcome us into the resort heehee.. thhe resort ish one big bunglow to urself that kind and ish very spacious.. got one big living room, dinner table, kitchen (with woks, pans, fridge, oven, toaster etc etc), and 3 rooms.. but hor we got 14 ppl altogether. soo.. we 5 poor kids (ok la me still counted as kids ^^) and my aunt sleep living room.. so ke lian.. go overseas still muz sleep in living room.. and we bought like so many food there to cook and stuff.. even bought 20 packets of chicken rice tak bao from sg to bintan as lunch plus raw food, blankets, pillows, and a inflatable queen size bed there. LOL!! like tao nan liddat..
entertainment we keep ourselves busy with swimming, the beach, pool and majong!! the swimming pool there so fun lo!! still got slide.. shiok! beside the pool got this elephant ride thingy and im so pissed!!! the stupid person keep hammering the elephant head with a sharp edged hammer!! heartpain ok.. its just an animal.. pls dun be so cruel can?
the beach oso very beautiful! hen piang liang oh! the water ish clear unlike sg one like drainwater liddat.. and near the shore there's this rock structure with stagnant water and there's fishy swimming around!! my god! like old sg longkang fish.. my dad caught so many fishy bare handed expert!! haha.. of cuz we return them back to after we catch it.. back to the arms of da zi ran nature! anyway pai seh arh guys.. told u all i'll bring back bintan sand as xmas present but i din know we going to the beach that day so i din bring bottle to put the sand.. but i promise i'll make up for that!
haix.. me so shi bai.. as the eldest among all the 5 cousins my pool ish the worse.. my bro and ah boy so pro lo.. though they haven pass the legal age to play pool in sg.. sob~ i keep hitting the white ball into the hole.. my mama say i colour blind wahaha! and talking abt pool reminds me of a horrible terrifying incident..
we kids plus my 2 aunts and my mum were going to play pool.. and we were on this golf-course-
use-kinda-mini-white car to the leisure centre which my uncle ish driving to play pool.. was abt to reach there when suddenly smth fell on my lap.. at first i thought ish fallen leaf and was abt to swipe it away when i take a closer look.. how come this leaf looks like frog???? OMG!!!! its like some monitor lizard thingy that looks like a frog and its skin colour.. OH TMD!!! my first reaction was S-C-R-E-A-M!!!!! i think i screamed really loud cuz my mum who had reached the leisure centre already heard my screams.. wow. but really scary lo!!! this freaking thing.. it jus fell from nowhere!! so i desperately try to swipe it away and it landed at my aunt's pant beside me. damn it my aunt oso panicking she kick it and it landed at my shoe.. WAAAAAA!!!!!!!! by that time i was already in tears.. this is what they call scare the hell outta someone.. and this bloody thing oso quite ke lian.. when i kick it away it did a few somesaults before landing hard. LIKE I CARE!!!!! u scare me into tears for goodness sake! now i got phobia to frogs and lizards..
on a lighter and less scarier note, i learn how to play majong le!!! my greatest shou huo in this bintan trip! heehee~ now can officially wait to become a tai tai heehee~
but bintan thing ish so damn exp! one coconut drink cost $5 and char kway tiao cost $16 in SINGAPORE DOLLARS ok.. exp exp exp!!! lucky we bring food there to cook ourselves.. actually bintan quite fun for kids! just that muz be careful.. or ish the problem with me? i go swim cut my foot when sliding down, play pool dunno ish hit the ball or hit my finger i got a blue black on my forefinger and oso a long scratch on my arm which i dunno when i cut it.. lol.. haix.. the lucky thing ish the trip back to sg the ferry din rock as much.. and we were sitting on the lower deck which aint that rocky.. cuz when we went there i was on the second level.. the higher u go it gets more rocky..
but hen sian leh.. so so tired..
anyway ytd in my dreams i heard a voice saying:
'i still prefer the old jiahui in the past.. '
hmmmm? how come suddenly got this voice? where's old jiahui anyway???
oh and to celin: auntie muz kan kai ok? i know u can do it de lah!
today after test went to buy blazer and presentation shoes. wah cost me a bomb! but mei ban fa marketing so liddat de lo keep spending money only. and the G2000 customer relationship ish like shit lo! the salesgirl ish rather impolite and like so unwilling to serve.. scared i no money pay ixit? haix~
then we (shiru celin joyce and cc) went to ceinleisure to k!! weee! like finally!!! but was so hungry there no energy to sing.. got lots lots yang chengling songs le worhz!! almost all the songs!! heehee so shuang. and s.h.e got bu xiang zhang da and super model. halfway thru the k box person came and ask whether we interested in joining some games they organise to celebrate xmas later.. well no harm so we agree.. but REGRETS!!
haha and though shan hu hai ish a very nice song its so hard to sing~ Lara voice ish so difficult to master... *wave white flag*
muz stress on smth!! that k box person very rude lo!!!!!!!!!!!
dunno whats her name.. but the receipt put 'yumei' dunno ixit her name.. so my god!!! that is too beautiful a name for her! she damn rude ok.. normally when they ask whether to refill drinks anot they would knock the door or at least not barge in like no one biz lo.. first time she comes in already no good impression of her.. then when time to pay for bills wah lau feel like smacking her!!! we all so damn pissed about her..
think she very big ixit? the door haven open finish she just said '$55.40'
its like when u in k-box ish so noisy and stuff shud at least wait til u open the door and wait for ppl to react first before saying the bills. so rude!!! just '$55.40' liddat. what? i owe u one arh? then of cuz u needa wait for us to dig out money and sort out first arh.. then she say in a very impatient and bua song voice: '$55.40!' NOT HAPPY IXIT?! u bua song what!!! stupid sia.. was only like 6.10pm and section suppose to end at 7 lo.. so early ask for money... argh! she collect the money liao she thought she turn and leave very shuai liddat ma na zai her figure simply too... erm... round and just bang into the doorand slam the door shut when she wan exit (was intially opened).. so pai seh!!! WAHAHAHA!! serve u right! so rude lo!! kao.. i got pay service charge ok!
and a very funny incident happen when we are singing 'ahem ahem' song. WAHAHAHA!! the moment i recall that will roll on the ground and laugh!! canot say out cuz our image will be gone LOL!!
when shiru and joyce singing i-dun-recall-which-song the rest of us act as fans there shaking hands with ah ru and snatching for posters.. wahaha got only 3 of us lo we acting as though there are 3000 fans around LOL..
after k went to eat jap food! so full.. and that celin hor.. she really hen suay.. forever cannot find the right size tee for her brother.. *patpat* needa transfer some good luck to you.. anyway i bot a bag!!! haix bo bian.. my white postman very hard to close bag turn so rusty after i wash it so have to buy another one.. poor shiru the bag she aimed went missing after we come back from the atm machine.. haix..
ohohoh!!! and we saw lamborgini at orchard there!!! so shuai!!!!!!!!
shuai right??? somemore black colour one~~~ oh~~ my dream car~~~
anyway this photo is subjected to copyright. cuz this photo is for cc project so cannot copy arh.. thanx cc for being 'maria' today oso heehee~ keep helping me take my shopping bags..and foo yiyin oso wahaha!
this few days watching wan quan yu le 5566 concert hua xu see until i so heart pain.. cuz fufu solo part is a stress on his stamina his hands were practically shivering when he drinks his coffee.. cuz his strength were totally robbed away from him.. hen xin tong~~ and at the backstage see them rehearse until so haggard plus fufu eating cold food alone when the rest had already eaten really heart ache.. pls take care of urself!!
i'll be leaving to bintan for 3 days! on xmas eve.. so i wun be celebrating xmas in singapore this yr.. so sad... dun miss me oh! i'll be back on the 26th very fast de!!
though im not a mayday fan, i still like some of their songs very much so im not siding 56..
the newspaper comment that 56 wasnt that capable of singing compared to mayday and the blame is on my fufu. HELLO!!! i know he lost his voice towards the end of concert.. a few mths ago he wasnt allow to speak for 1 whole wk lo bcuz his throat was like awfully swollen.. now he still can sing already hen hao le. still wanna hiam. *glare at the reporter*
the newspaper comment that 56 fans arent as high as mayday. HELLO for the second time!!! not high??? i dunno abt whats going on behind but i damn sure that it was so high in front lo!! somemore mayday ish a rock band, 56 ish jus boyband, of cuz rock band would have like more high atmosphere.. how to compare liddat?! might as well u compare mayday dance and 56 dance.. wu liao~
this reporter i feel like bashing him/her. one stupid comment he gave was that everyone in the $148 area was standing up and though he was not a 56 fan he had to stand throughout the concert as well cuz we are blocking him (and the boards. oh thats not my problem i dun take boards.) may i ask u which concert do u see fans at the most exp area sitting quietly down one eh? unless u watching fei yuqing one la! and the problem ish with the location cuz max pavillion seat is mostly on the ground level.. not us ok!!!!
the report says there's too much of solo and small groups (as in only xu meng and zhi in a grp, fufu and shaowei in another) and claim that it shows that they are not united and disorganise. *glare* why cant u look at the bright side? how often do u get to hear xu meng and shaowei voice solo singing LIVE for the whole song eh? everyone always complaining xu meng and shaowei not given chance to sing now they got the chance u guys claim they not united.. what rubbish. and considering their hectic schedule, its already a great concert!
talking abt the live make me so flare up!! come on la.. i know 56 did say before that for fast tempo songs they might not be singing live.. but on that day every single song ish live!! i mean like whether its live or not ish so easy to differentiate.. i can confirm all songs are live ok including fast tempo songs lo! zhi voice was so weird that day its like impossible that we cant differentiate cd and live. that report was pointing finger at 56 that they not sincere as they do not sing live. PI LAH!
but one point abt the report i quite agree with it.. the first concert fu and zhi acted as chinadoll WAHAHA that was a good one! second concert zhi wear bikini and did a cute dance! this yr eh... ok they got weyingqi and youyayu stuff but somehow it lacks surprise.. but considering shaowei already celebrating his 29th birthday at the concert, i think its time for them to grow up as well.
anyway, PHOTOS!!!!
singing 'yi qi mao xian'
ah fu!!
Zhifu dancing 'shen hua'
xu meng solo
zhi speaking thai language LOL!! hmm not bad..
i love this!! they were passing their hats on to the next person when singing 'zui gan pao tiao peng' notice fufu expression!!
shaowei solo.. umm.. he's changing.
cest ci cest ci bon! zhi in chef costume
oh shuai!!! fufu and shaowei in army costumes singing 'qiang shen'
fufu speaking in french LOL!! so cute!
wahahaha 56 oso zhi lian!
we got senwell's xu ziqian, westside youyau, ge dou wei yingqi, mvp DJ. LOL i jus recall smth! each of them was trying to prove their skills and bcuz wei yingqi is known to have a good leg power he was asked to 'mie' the candles by kicking but no matter how hard he kick the flame is still there! so poor thing.. he's tricked.
shaowei 29th brithday!
LOL zhi trying to act cute.
yup thats abt all the nice pictures i got.. but sad!!!!! no fufu solo one!!! *sob* nvm see if i can find it online..
meanwhile i needa go back study my INternet MArketing le!! argh! toopid subject so many things to memorise.. but since i can memorise all 56's lyrics i believe in can memorise IM too!! jia you le!!
girl, jia you!!!
i know u can do it!
i now still chao chao chao chao chao (x1000000) HIGH!!!!!
but hor my hand very achy now.. have been waving the lightstick and lu pai pai for 4 consecutive hours non-stop!!!! and not to mention screaming thru thr 4 hrs as well!!! but my voice still ok now.. anyway me and yue today wear the same converse tee oh! haha purposely de lah.. but i din know she bot this tee till like few days ago.. heehee~ and oso our '56' earrings.okok here goes the sequence of the concert:
5566同一个世界新加坡2005演唱会 - 17 dec 2005
this concert was held in Max Pavillion @ expo there.. nv went there for concert before since its like so new.. well compared to indoor the place ish somewhat smaller but still can hold up til 8000 ppl!
so when me and yue enter we got trouble finding out seat. section A3 row 5.. ROW 5!!!
we keep walking front then still have see row 5.. its like almost reaching the stage liao finally we saw our seat.
WAH!!! *jaw drop*
i nv expect row 5 to be THAT near!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok its like u walk 10 steps from the stage and thats where im sitting. THAT NEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shuang until~~~~~ really dumbfounded.
this pic ish taken by my hp without even zooming.
the concert starts at 8.20pm sharp. pretty early yea? the first song they sang was yi qi mao xian.. was craning our head eh why still no 56?? only to realise they come from the side! im more towards the left side of the stage but fufu came out from the right.. *sob* then from then on everyone at the $148 area all stand up and right til the end of concert.
i can tell u other than shuai i dunno what to say.. and no kidding they are singing LIVE!!!
i repeat
not bad arh.. so long nv hear them sing live! very very zhan lo! its was so high at the start with all the fast tempo songs! and there's lotsa solo part. OH! and the funniest thing ish the 4 of them ish like become the characters that they have acted in their shows b4.. like fufu ish wei yingqi (ge dou), zhi ish you yayu (westside), shaowei ish xu ziqian (wang zi) and xu meng ish DJ (MVP).
so each of them sang solo for the zhu ti qu of the show and then the 4 of them gather onstage.. so you yayu was asking how come they came to xi jie to disturb blah blah.. then wei yingqi replied here no xi jie only got wu jie lu (orchard) HAHA!! then the 4 of them start arguing that this place shud be ge dou sch la, ltr xi jie, then senwell and even qi sui high school.
halfway thru the argument dan ou pops out! not ming dao la, as in the frog dan ou.. then they start dancing the dan ou dance.. 56 was dancing with dan ou oso but that you yayu so damn cute!!! he keep saying how come he knows the dance? act blur sia.. and they dump a big big colourful balls to us audience to like pass around. and i manage to lay my hands on the one that fufu throw *GRINS~*
but i dun manage to get the photos.. as in the photos 56 took themselves and throw to us.. they so cute! while singing shi jie zui mei de feng jing they took a camera each and start taking photos of themselves and the fans and then throw to us... WAH LAU!!! the photo fufu took of him flew right in front of me and WENT MISSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
too many hands snatching for it liao.. haix.. the person sitting in front of me still grab my bag (my bag was on the ground) cuz she thought the photo might be on my bag.. WTH!!!!
nvm la~ at least fufu waved 2 times at us when we shouted at him.. he ish so sweet neh!! xu meng oso waved to our area once.. and according to yue, zhi keep looking at our direction.. dunno why... ixit? i din see.. my eyes glued on fufu. heehee~
and fufu was speaking in french!!! LOL!!! hilarious!! dunno what he talking.. i doubt he understand what he talking either. so de funny! i bet the only thing he understand is how to say ' wo ai 5566' in french.. still ask us repeat after him... and fufu solo was chao high!!
he was hitting a chinese drum, so shuai~~~~~~~~~ then suddenly from the top a piece of rope drop down.. and guess what? he was grabbing the rope and was like 'flying' round and round and round... oh chao chao chao shuai!!!!! zhen de!!!! but was like so worried.. if he loose his grab meaning he will jus land on the ground. HARD. *heartpain*
anyway did i mention zhi voice was kinda 'squeaky' today? dunno why liddat de.. think he caught a flu so the voice like mickey mouse liddat.. and today get to hear lots lots xu meng and shaowei singing... very zhan!! somemore today (18 dec since pass midnight le) ish shaowei bday!!! so they sang him a bday song at the encore.. as usual fufu is so tan chi.. he got hold of a fork and was about to dig in when the person jus took the cake away..
wahahaha u shud have see him sa jiao and pouting there~ so kawaii!! ranting that he wan eat the cake.. and there are many act cute pose by them today too~ but fufu almost cried when singing wo nan guo during the encore.. aiyowei~ but he claim that guys shud not cry onstage bcuz its so disgraceful.. where got?
encore songs were yi guang nian, boyfriend, wo nan guo and wont give up. the last song they sang was hao jiu bu jian. they hardly sang la.. cuz was busy running round the stage thanking the audience all these.. wah din realise was actually 12 le.. almost 4 hrs!! wow i had actually been screaming and waving my lu pai pai and lightstick for 4 hrs!! not to mention screaming "RENFU!!!!" which i had lost count le..
this concert is fabulous! really. i dunno what else to say. fufu sing until he lost his voice lo.. how cna it be not zhan? i think i still cna high over this for about a month lo! (exaggerating)
hmmm thats abt all i can recall.. din went into details as i cant really recall.. was too over-high there. the photos i will post it again in the next post when yue send me hers.. those that u see ish taken by my phone so not clear but still can see lo!! meaning its REAL REAL REAL near!!
very shuang~~ i still cannot get over the fact that we were so near the stage. *grin like silly*
it is a real damn fabulous concert!!! *thumbs up*
ps: latest news.. yue lost one of her digi cam memory card... *faints* wan dan liao.. 60 pics gone. *SOB* lucky she still got the ohter memory card but still.. aiyowei~ yue u very careless~ tmr go check again.. maybe now too tired so u din see it.. *prays*
omg~ i cant imagine the ending is liddat lo!! *sob*
ok la i know they trying to come up with an unexpected ending instead of the normal male lead and female lead will be together ending.
but this ending ish too shocking and its like hanging in the air.. so sian.. jianyi choose xiaoqian instead.. eh! dun think ur real name got 'fu' then i dun dare to scold u lo! the thing that pissed me off is at the airport he jus dump yoyo there and went off with xiaoqian right IN FRONT of yoyo. wah a bit too much leh..
and the david with xiaoqian mum *FAINTS~* the most ridiculous combination.. pls editor, i got a weak heart, dun shock me with such a mindless pairing.
waste my time chasing this show since it start.. but the dancing part was nice! brings back a lot of memories of sec sch days... how i miss them...
aiyoh do i sound very auntie critisizing the show here? no really critisizing lah.. just that i expected a nice (i dun mind unexpected but not like this) ending.. rather disappointed.
wahahaha! but i wun go into detail..
just that today after lesson cc celin shiru joyce and me went to CS there to eat..
ps: complaint!! wait so long for cc!
then after we shop around for celin's bro bday present, when we were heading home, we pass by the newsstand and saw Teens with s.h.e on the cover!! and contents got 56 oso worhx! somemore include a jay poster. wah very worth it leh.. so me and cc bot, the jay poster giving our celin aka jay sao and joyce.
so as u know we need to get the staple out to get the poster... it so happen that when joyce was trying to detach the poster.... WAHAHAHAHA!! erm.. how shud i say? erm... something drop out... HAHAHAHA!! aiyoh i dunno how to say lah.. if anyone of u buy Teens u will understand LOL!! its like in the middle of the street.. aiyoh so pai seh neh!! haha..
if u dun understand... erm... nvm lah.. better that u dun understand.. cuz i oso duno how to say.. LOL~
anyway tmr 56 concert le!!! look forward to my post on the concert tmr!!! i'll make sure i do a detailed post when i return tmr before studying for mid sem test.. talking abt that, haix, headache.. haven revise yet..
珊瑚海 - 周杰伦/Lara
heard from shiru that 56 had arrived in sg today for the rehersal.. *WAIL* how i din know?!?!
ok maybe ish i've forgotten that today ish thurs.. haix.. could have rushed down to the airport after lec.. but shiru only told me like 11.50.. too late le lah..
nvm, just wait for saturday! which is like just 47 hours from now!!!
so within this 47 hrs, i have to refrain from getting sick or losing my voice.. always like this de.. everytime i go for a concert i will be sick. that time awei and pan weibo one i was so sick unti my jaw couldnt even open.. imagine how tong ku i am.. cant even shout or anything.. then 2nd time s.h.e concert, i was having the worse flu of my life and no voice to shout (though i actually screamed pretty much that day.. wonder how my voice came back)
now i feeling feverish.. panadol please!!! bad sign.. i seldom will have fever.. pls dun let history repeat itself *take my four leave clover pendant and pray*
anyway thanx ah ru for san hu hai and xing xing zhi huo ringtone ne!!! *hug* now i welcome anyone to call me more often.. then i get to hear my san hu hai! heehee~ and also the pencil from ah ru and edwin.. hope ur pencil will bring me luck for the jap test since u 2 are pro in jap ^^
scored B+ for my CRM IJ though i was really crapping.
now my confidence's back!
time to chiong for mid sem and projects!!!!
oh and also jap test on thurs..
let me get some slp first *panda yawn* jus now ate some medicine now bth.. 所谓休息是为了走更长的路 hee~ i got my excuse to slp (tho ish like still so early)
oh and today wan quan yu le s.h.e came and teach 'super model' de dance.. haix.. din really catch it.. if only i can dl this epi and slowly learn cuz the steps are quite nice..
ps: today in good mood cuz 56 concert nearing!!! 3 more days!! and my i pod shuffle so give me face today.. most of the songs it played today are 56 one ^^
today saw xian, ping and yue they all at the free access lab..
i was trying to chiong the spss(data entry) work then.. and xian was sitting beside me..
her reaction was pretty hilarious when i open my spss..
"wah! how come so many 99 one?!"
ps: 99 = n/a. actually there's a code for each entry.
spss is really a killer lo!! ur life and death depends on it.. its a real headache..
and she added smth~
"heng arh! i nv choose marketing.. who ask u lah.. dun choose business with us.."
still ask me wan go eat steamboat with them anot.. haix.. u think i got time? why business like nothing to do de~~~ not fair!! shud have stick to my inital motive for entering business - the tourism course!
and yue reminded me of 56 concert this sat!! yesh!! my only source of motivation!!
ytd went to shop around the pasar malam with pei, xian, weiping and elaine..
actually was suppose to just meet for lunch and shop around the pasar malam..
eat le lunch went to shop shop the pasar malam (nth much) then went to mac sit and chat.. hahaha like old times~ pei wanted to find an activity for her bro cant she stand her bro rotting at home (ME TOO LO!!) so she went to the cc to look at their activity list..
hmmm, got latin dance (pretty interested!), hip hip, chinese dance (=.= i got enough of that), cake making, teochew opera singing!!! LoL! hahaha the list goes on..
then we tried the other cc at near our sec sch there.. the activities are pretty similar except they got lessons on guitar or smth.. so pei decide on that for her bro..
then went back to prime market buy sweet and guess what? pei actually found a 1000 rupiah inside the packet of sweets.. =.=||| *wu ya fly past* hahahaha unbelievable right? if only it was US dollars~~~
in the end reach home already630 in the evening.. wow.. the lunch last for 4 1/2 hrs.. LOL!
and this week my mood ish like so bad.. i oso dunno why.. well normally i wun know why my mood ish not good.. just feel very pissed..
at everything.
i almost wreck my jap presentation just now bcuz i jus CANNOT memorise my speech..
my mind ish blank lo.. not bcuz im nervous ish bcuz i simply too sian~ my turn was like the third last? almost fallen asleep..
all my hard work trying to memorise at the library for like 2hrs? all gone to drain...
i've been nagging and nagging until shiru and memorise my speech and edwin got irritated of the word 'kendo' (cuz my topic ish on kendo)
see see im nagging again...
i guess this is the pre-project stress syndrome..
officially now still pretty slack-y.. next week will have to start chiong-ing le..
and AND!!
i just recall something which lighten my mood!!! 5566 concert 2005 is NEXT SAT!!!! weeeee~~
finally. im so looking forward to it!!! and hor, the best thing ish my seat!! its right in the middle, $148 tix row 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wah song!!! row 5 imagine!!! so near!!!!
*dreams off to fufu land*
zhi arh.. ur hair very little liao.. dun xiang bu kai..
was really bloody pissed off lo..
u know u got to get tix for the cable car right? and we din know where to get the tix and was searching everywhere for it, only to find that it is downstairs.. so mood already not that good.
ma na zai when we buying the tix, the receptionist was actually dozing off.. =.= fine lo.. so we asked for the tix for 4 person how much.. he just shove the leaflet to my dad and went back dozing.. WTH!!! so rude!!! u dun have mouth ixit? somemore so exp can. and i start debating with my dad whether the tix is 2 ways or we gonna get another tix back from sentosa.. he sit there stared at us arguing and din make any comment.
hello? the least u can do is clear our doubts right? not to see us argue.. still need my dad to ask him then he like buay song voice say ish two way. @#&*#@% hey, if u are so buay song pls get lost can.
dun spoil the image of singapore lo.. there suppose to be tourist attraction and u protray singapore service to be so lousy.. dozing off at the counter. please! wan slp go home slp!! dun come here and throw face.. imagine u are a tourist and u came all the way to singapore to see a stupid receptionist dozing at his counter. what impression will it give u? haiyoh.. if u scare all the tourist away next time i will starve to death ok.. singapore no revenue.
no wonder they say singapore service attittude ish plunging. i raise my hands and legs and agree! haix~ and my dad add that next time if im supervisor my staff will be very ke lian... wahaha who ask me starting to turn more and more perfectionist?
nono not my birthday.. my bday past liao..
this week is my mum, my cousin and elaine bday..
ytd went to celebrate elaine bday at swensen bugis with cecilia, xian, pei and eileen.. a pity may bao needa work and cant come.
this is what we got for her.. choco, one moo moo cow which can record voices and one 'music box'.
hope u like it!
and i was in such a dilema whether to eat terriyaki chicken pasta or clayfish pasta. in the end got tempted by xian so i choose clayfish pasta
looks not bad right? taste pretty nice too~
before we got our desert me cecilia and eileen went to the toilet, well u can say as an excuse, and when we return we got 3 balloons for elaine.
and we make her take the balloon home, so u imagine taking 3 balloons when taking mrt LOL!
today ish my mummy bday!! happy birthday mummiiieeeee~!!! hahaha. she wanted to go to mount faber for cable car this year.. lol weird request.. cable car leh.. *gulp* scary lo!! and the most amazing thing ish i actually saw celin at near habourfront there!!!! wow wow.. so qiao lo.. she was walking at the roadside with her parents and i happen to look out of the car and saw her. LOL!!! really very zhun..
and for dinner we went swensen AGAIN~~~ sian lah.. cuz tmr ish my cousin bday.. so they decide to celebrate my mum's and my cousin's bday tog.. so went to swensen again.. dots..
and so i finally got to eat my terriyaki chicken pasta!! hee hee~ din take a photo of that cuz was pretty hungry and wipe out the dish fast.. ytd had banana split (share with pei) for desert.. today shared chocolate crumble with my cousin.. eeeeeeeks so sweet neh!! all choco and hot fudge *faints* fattening~ no wonder need low fat ice cream wahaha.
a little girl wanted to find her future
she went to the mountain and ask the sky
"where is my future?"
and just then a little star said ...
"sweetie, the future is in your hands."
yes, the future is in our hands.
星星之火 -s.h.e
女孩 越过小路爬上了山丘
那时的她 还不懂为什么
停驻在夜空 点亮了小小宇宙
女孩 慢慢长大却还是懵懂
那时的她 还不懂为什么
为失恋喝杯酒 却没空看看星空
“不要 不要 忘了做过的梦”
天上星星 仿佛听她述说 兴奋地闪烁
我要变成那一颗星星 整夜都亮晶晶
不怕阴暗的黑影 骄傲地闪不停
灿烂的一颗星星 一生也亮晶晶
因为夜归的背影 有了我的指引
女孩 不再单纯却不够成熟
这时的她 虽然懂为什么
每当有泪儿流 却回到那个宇宙
女孩 有天将会到哪里出走
哪时的她 总会问为什么
只希望放弃前 能想起那片星空
"不要 不要 忘了做过的梦"
天上星星 彷佛听她述说 兴奋地闪烁
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.
Believe, believe, believe, you are the only star.
that is a wonderful lyrics! i believe that this is not the first time u heard of 'the future is in ur hands'. but if u really stop and think abt it, that is so true. the future is really up to us to decide.. and rmb, we only live one lifetime. u nv know what is gonna happen the next minute in ur life so treasure everyone around u!!!
=> Clarine Tham Jia Hui
=> aka Berry, Huihui, Huiz, s0t0ng
=> Horoscope: Sagittarius
=> Birthday: 28 Nov 1987
=> School: Temasek Polytechnic (MArketing)
~* 5566 'tong yi ge shi jie' cOnceRt dvd!
~* Ge dou tian wang vcd set
~* Wang zi bian qing wa vcd set
~* Bugis Pink jacket
~* a&f skirt
~* Converse shoes!
~* More earrings
~* converse jacket
~* i pod mini
~* Mickey mouse cap
~* Taiwan trip!
~* Hong Kong trip!
~* seeing 'Z' in my results
~* Winnie the Pooh soft toy!
~* driving license
[[ TAggie ]]