*[[ HoLiDaYs! ]]*

[[ Friends are for Life.. ]]
ytd was the z pop concert 2005. nv been to any z pop event before actually. this time is because yue got 2 free tix and ask me along. hmm why not? lolz though no 56 or energy. so we set the time to meet at 10am at city hall mrt.. being the usual me i was 15 mins late. *yawn* so tired.
when we reach the hall 403 the person point to us the place to queue. *gush of cold wind blow past* wah kao! no one there at all! except for a few queuing at the $60 section the whole hall is so empty and eerie. surprise surprise.. we are actually the first. but heck lah, breakfast more impt. so we go mac for egg mcmuffin. i was giggling and yue talking about dunno who when my burger suddenly fell on the chair. AHHHH~!! my breakfast gone! after breakfast we went shopping! gss ending on sunday so cannot missed it! yue was saying she wan the $15 s&k jeans but they left with only 24. too small for her.. while she was looking i spotted one s&k pants. $45 selling for $15 now. BUY! what a world to miss. then yue got a OP tee. hmm, none of the OP tees look appealing to me. so next we went fox. as usual the shop is in a terrible mess. i cant stand it seeing all the clothes so messy and crumpled. but nvm, anyway the shop was having a 50% sales on purchasing 4 items and above. WAH! i immediately scream to yue die die muz get all 4! so we got 2 each. one of yue's is for her sister.. wah such a caring sister neh lol. oh, and i spotted one shawl kinda belt at one of the stores. very ke ai but exp! $25.90 for a piece of cloth. oh suan le.
we went back to the queue at 1 plus. tsk tsk we sure know how to shop. where got pple go concert with so many shopping bags one??? still very pathetic queue. my god, how come this event so ke lian one??? no one queuing early.. hmmm. so the both of us sit there stone. after a while i saw shiying coming in! hey hey! she queuing behind us only yay! then its stoning time again. *yawn* yue and i was chatting away and dunno why we started talking abt heels. oh and i jus found out yue is a dead serious person. i was joking abt going to buy charles and keith heels right there and then and she took me seriously. wah lai zhen de?! we dumped our bags to shiying to look after and chiog downstairs to c&k. there is this pink heels very very ke ai one. i need size 36 but apparently its outta stock. haix.. everytime like that. yue couldnt find any pair she like unless she say we take the same design. why not?? i dun mind really. in fact im more than happy! so i took size 37 instead. nvm jus a bit bigger. hee hee.
ok no more nonsense, we go back guai guai queue. at around 4 they took us to the hall upstairs. bloody hell $20 area is so far away from the stage!! and the $60 area is pathetically empty. then we noticed that pple are sneaking in to the $60 area as the person in charge doesnt check their tix. thats what the person in front of us did. and the girl still ask shiying help look after her stuff (food!) when she hun into the $60 area. bloody hell, shiying was so pissed she ransacked her stuff and yue was ranting we shud grab a packet of her food since she got so many and we are freakin hungry. but no lah. so rude to do that. and the start of the event is so so soooooo boring~~~~ super boring until we saw most of the crowd sitting down.. see where got high? my back is hurting to so in the end we oso sat down. yue even fell asleep halfway thru lo wahahaha.
after that yue and one of shiying fren went to the loo and grab some toast back for us. FOOOOOOOOD!!!!! *saliva dripping* hungry like anything! after the toast me, shiying and another of her fren went to the loo oso. butt flatten after sitting for so long. then when we come back someone stop us to check our tix and found out that we actually belong to the $30 area which was nearer to stage. but but our stuff and yue they all still at $20 there. so we call and ask them over. jus nice it was JJ turn onstage!!! boy so shock to find myself screaming. maybe bcuz the atmosphere at 30 bucks there more high-er. he sang quite a lot of songs and lastly with jin sha - bei feng chui guo de xia tian. WOOOOOOH! i've nv heard the full version of this song before and now im hearing it live for the first time!! chao chao chao chao zhan! its a incredibly nice and sweet song. by then me and yue was really high. next came 183 club. shucks i was screaming again. i nv did intend to scream or cheer for them cuz 183 doesnt interest me at all but suddenly i seems like their crazy fan screaming SHAOWEI!!!!! hmmm? *touch forehead* no fever leh.. maybe jus too high. and yue was going 'dan ou!!!!!!!' wahaha that ming dao. she still say wont like him. shaowei then mention that 56 would be having a concert at the end of the year. ok, i was really high till i waved my lightstick and bounced around as though im release from hougang chalet. wahahaha! after that was Gigi performance. halfway thru i suddenly found my vision blur.. at my right eye. die, contacts len pao diao! normally wheni blink the lens will find its way back but this time its really gone! i alert yue and she saw the len folded at the corner of my eye but the next moment its gone. HO SEH! where did it go? 2 possibilities. either it drop out or went into the back of my eyes. i rushed to toilet to check and damn it the mirror so far away bcuz of the sink. so i climb up the sink to see. all the pple in the toilet looking at me strangely. what lah! this is life and death lo! but i cant find the len in my eyes. so me and yue went back to the area we were standing to find. the 4 of us were on all fours searching for my missing len. and one kind soul took her hp out which got light and help us search cuz the place was pretty dark. oooh what an embarrassing scene. crawling on all fours in such a crowded area. but we cant find it. suan le. its okie. i went to call my dad to pick me up cuz i cant possibly go home myself with one eyes less 800 degrees. very giddy lo. so me and yue missed the korean guy and amei performance. nvm nvm as if i care. but we got a hard time looking for the long staircase at marina square where my dad is waiting. yue dunno the way around and im half blind oso. luckily we found it at last. scary sia. and i missed Gigi's pian jian lo. my fave song and i was practically waiting all night to hear it live. now its gone. haix~~~~~~
weeee~~ im back from malacca! haha, i've spend my weekend there and i come to one conclusion: SINGAPORE IS THE BEST!!
aye this is the first time i visit malaysia by car.. the previous time when i went msia, we went by plane to Penang.. and that was like sooooo many years ago. so this time my uncle organise this trip and got our whole big family to go.. all 15 of us in 3 cars.. yay yay~ thats the first time i saw the Tuas Singapore customs.. and guess what? after we passed the msia customs we saw like around 4 lamborghini driving past us. MY GOD~~ i once saw one yellow lamborghini with xian and pingz at orchard and now this time all 4 of them!! geez. and all of them are young guys... sighs its so good to have a rich father.. i also wan~~~~ *whines* or a rich husband is also fine. wahaha!
and can u imagine.. we set off at 830 in the morning and only reach malacca at 4pm.. tsk tsk so long neh. after going round and round malacca for quite some time (bcuz my uncle lost his way) we settle for late lunch. chicken rice.. hmmm.. heard that its a quite famous chicken rice stall there.. and guess what?! i was sitting beside this board where they have photos of celebrities that had visited their stall pinned up there. and i was actually sitting beside this photo with 56 lo! wahahaha, i din noticed at all until my aunt pointed to me. GEE! ate the lunch with a big smile on my face hee~
then we left to find the resort we are staying.. my uncle was still saying that the reosrt is rather class (5 stars blah blah) with swimming pool somemore.. wow. sounds cool. BUT when we reach there. =.=||| bloody hell u call that class?! my room even class-er lo! the building itself looks like it desperately need some painting works. the lobby is still acceptable so we kids thought maybe, jus maybe, it isnt that bad.. UNTIL we got our keys... we occupied 3 rooms on the 11th level and wah lau, when the lifts open we got a shock outta our lives. the corridors aint air conditioned!!!!!! wtf! its like our HDB block! ~^@&$ u call this class?!?!?!?! and the worse have yet to come. when we are found our room, my god, the doors of our room were infested with MOSQUITOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkk~!!!!!!!!!!! there were like so MANY of them!!!!! bloody hell!!!! i call this a mosquito breeding ground instead of a "5-star resort"!! yea right 5 star for the mosquitoes that is! yucky~!!!!! lucky im wearing my jacket and i put my hood over, take my shoe out and start whacking those blood suckers. the only nice thing about the resort is that it faces the sea! yes~ the sea.. its a wonderful view from my room. thats the only plus point. oh and did i mention i saw a bunch of cows roaming around on the streets outside the resort? gulp. NIUNAI~!! xiaoniuniu! LOL! thats niunai nickname. and and!! something i have to mention! we heard that they have a ktv lounge there sp we went after dinner. i was still joking that maybe all their songs are in malay (start singing national anthem) or old old songs. and man i was so right. the songs are all bloody OLD~~~~ its not normal old its damn old. super duper ancient~ in the end we kids go play pool. hee.
we left the resort on sunday afternoon (like finally. as though i like to stay there any second longer) and we passed by this beach where we saw some horses along the shore. eh? being curious we pull over to take a look. apparently this family there is doing business by getting cats like us (cuz curiosity kills the cat) to ride on the horses around the shore of the beach to earn a living. there is this very very kawaii horse which i named 'headache' because it was resting its head on the pole as though he is having a bad headache. well maybe. a very small brown horse. and this horse which i like a lot call 'depression' cuz it looks very depress.. i mean how happy would u be when u are being ride by someone everyday? hee yes i start naming the horses... my family members went riding the horses lo. awww i jus cant bear to. dunno why but i almost feel like crying. so xin tong for the horses. weird yea.. so i used the excuse that im wearing a skirt to spare the horses. i bet they dun even feed them cuz they look so feeble and weak. ass holes! feed them lah! i guess they are afraid that if they feed them, they will have the energy to escape. humans! dun think u are so damn great ok! animals have a life too in case u are not aware of it!
then we drive back to singapore... took around 4 hrs. man! and was i happy to see the HDB flats again! singapore is indeed so much better than msia. its really rather backwards. but overall its still quite a nice trip actually.. hee.
wahahaha~ im still so high now!! *grinx stupidly to myself* aye~ actually i have been grining stupidly to myself since i got off the stage. this event is totally way too cool!!
today is energy singapore gai ban autograph session at my fave auto ss place - j8. as usual xian was an hr late so we (xian, elaine, me!) reach bishan at 12, went to get breakfast and tibits (like having picnic like that) and join the queue ar 1235pm.. aye so late, we actually intend to reach by 11 plus de haix.. anyway we were quite behind the queue.
the event is suppose to start at 4pm but before that that alex toh was also there to 'tuo diao tuo diao!' so the event was pushed to 5. like finally we are up on the open plaza. but it was raining quite hard and the place was rather flooded, with people and water lolz. then energy arrived, all with sunglasses. eh... for ur info the rain is like so heavily that if people often describe heavy rain as raining cats and dogs, that shud be raining elephants and rhino so where got sun?! but i guess the actual reason is bcuz they muz have been to high after the concert ytd and sleep late so yupx, muz hide their sleepy eyes hahaha.
as usual the scene was rather chaotic with everyone pushing like as though they can carry energy home by squeezing (copyrighted from xian LOL!). and my toes! bloody hell, keep stepping on my toes bcuz im wearing open toes sandal. u shall be a shoe in ur next life to let me STEP! but but... apart from that, the good news is i can see shuwei from any angle. wah song! he was the last person and whenever those kunda siao fans keep chatting with him and the queue got stuck, shuwei will be very eng, so he would look up smile and wave!! yay~!! chao zhan!! and elaine and me would stare dreamily back lolz! tai ai si shuwei le!! sometimes kunda will look up and when when the queue got stuck at ah di there but he is so expressionless lo. wave like some robot. come on man smile! haha forever with that ke ai and gong gong ke lian look. xie kunda. wahahaha. ah di did look up ONCE and wave. plus he got smile. i was in shock and turn to look at xian "eh, he smile leh. ah di actually wave and smile yehx!" miracle!! hahaha. after that we suddenly found out that they are shaking hands! wah i was really so high!!
we were already at the second barricade when the dj annouced energy taking a 5 mins break and be back onstage soon. waaaaaaahhhh~ good good good! i took a gooooood look at them before they left the stage. my god it was so damn close! ayeee~ hao xing fu~ and when they reappear again, niunai was still so hyper and high and he looks so though he was skipping back to his seat. so again the session starts.
niunai was first and dunno what came over me i was actually dazing on stage. so suddenly niunai stick his hand out and i was like shock dao as i thought it was for me and i was reaching my hand out to shake when the girl in front of me took his hand. eh? aiyowei! so pai seh!! so niunai smiled and shook my hands first before signing the album (normally he sign album first then shake) AYE!! as if im so desperate to shake his hands... im not!! haix... then its ah di. and signed the album and hmmm, doesnt look like he wanted to shake hand. dun care! i stick my hand out so he have no choice but to shake hee! but poor guy... feel so sad for him really. then we got stuck at ah di there for a moment. start dazing again as i stare at the cd then eh!! stupid girl. why are u staring at the cd when u can stare at shuwei?!?! lolz. next up is kunda. i really really cant recall what happen. i think nothing much. jus grab sign grin NEXT! aha! zhang shuwei!!! he look up and smile so sweetly~ wahaha~ yea and just sign, grab, JIA YOU!, then byebye~ thats when i started grinning stupidly to myself.. and even skip to the exit and when the security was telling us to use the escalator here i still reply a cherry 'okie!' wahahaha. too happy!
after that we grab a bite at pasta mania and oh gosh! they having gss at j8 one s&k jeans selling for only $19 when the original price is $49!!! my god!! buy buy buy!!! too bad their tops are all oversized. for hippo to wear kind. then we left for the MRT station and we could still hear energy song from here - yan lei de wei dao and wo men! me and xian began to sing tog hahaha. suddenly xian recalled that we forgot to got the poster from sembawang just now and the idea of going back to see energy tempted us so much the 3 of us ran back to j8 after. waste money sia cuz we are already in the station tap our ezlink and pass. hahaha. but by the time we ran back to the open plaza energy had left... waaaaa~ so we went to sembawang to get the poster but apparently its out of stock.. double blow~ so guai guai leave for home le..
yupx! so thats all for today's event. i know a lot of people cried because this shud be the last time we gonna see energy as a whole again. its really a pity. though i joined in this siao energy thing a bit too late i still wanna say - ENERGY ROCKS!! muz still jia you!!! we will wait for u!!
*ahem* looks like im haven update my blog for quite some time? lolz.. xiang yue was complaining to me to update my blog cuz she click liao sian diao, nothing to read. hee hee, pai seh lah. i know im so lazy to update.
anyway this week have been quite a uneventful week. haix how interesting can a mid sem test week be? chu le study, hai shi study. mon - consumer behaviour paper. oh that damn paper, i study tat subject for 3 whole days and the questions? like shit. and the last question which carries the most marks, 16 marks, was asking some dunno what alien stuff which i never notice in the ppt slides before. 16 marks u know. gone. finish. die. haix.
wed - FAOM paper. finance paper oh. im weak in numbers related stuffs, ermx maybe except money that is hee. but i put a lot effort in studying this subject. the first thing i wanted to do is to take the test paper and smack that paul ng face. make me study like hell for the subject, esp the contribution margin part which is so difficult to understand, and all that came out for the test is nothing but those simple formulas. haix. but thats good news too since thats a rather easy paper.
thurs - market research paper. i only spend like a total of 1 hr on revising this subject? nothing much to study. all memory work. i have learned from the first 2 papers that there is absolute no need to study that hard for the papers. but the paper was 7 pages thick. wah die. so i start spinning my own story and crap when answering the questions. dun worry, im quite experience in story writing. i crap 3 pages for o levels history paper. and i passed! wahaha. after the paper went to meet xian to get my mkting principles textbook back. she was at the big shopbook buying i-weekly. aha! energy at the cover page! then i was like suggesting to go to the airport cuz energy is arriving in singapore later that day. haha but just kidding. i still got another paper tmr lo.
fri - Marketing principles paper. this subject is not easy. lots and lots of theories to rmb. haix. while that lecturer was pretty kind, he gave quite a number of hints and what to focus on. and they came out! hee. precisely thats what i study only. if some weird theories appear i will turn to my left and bang the wall. then i'll die inside the LT and haunt the school forever! muahahahahaha! luckily that did not happen. and thats the last paper!! like finally.
today~ haix~ an na ji zai jian le singapore concert 2005. mama i wanna go leh~!! but haix, somehow just cannot get any free tix. and i cant afford to buy one, and if my mum find out she will hang me up on a tree and whack the hell outta me. haix. bo bian. but nvm! *an wei myself* tmr is their gai ban autograph session! yay yay! finally going to see them again. and most probably for the last time ever.... *sob* shuwei~~~ haix.. okie i shall update again tmr on the autograph session event. sayonara for now!
*yawn~~~~* its only 1230 noon now. this is the time i usually wake up on sundays. but today.... haix.
force myself to wake up at 7am. my mind cursing that stupid bala. all bcuz all his stuck-in-the-mud thinking we 2 poor classes (T01 and T03) have to go do the CIP for apel 2. &^@$%#^& someomore so early!!! haix. bo bian. reach tampines stadium at 8 and they brief us on what to do.
basically they are holding one event for tampines residents and the MPs for tampines will be there too. fine fine~ and one of the event is do a hand print on a big piece of fabric. our job is to teach them how to do the hand print. sound stupid right? but some people are really that stupid. there are a total of 4 colours - pink (yay!), orange, green, yellow and later there's white. they jus have to dip one palm in the paint and rub their hands together and then print on the fabric. so me shiru and erm.. i think his name is edwin, we are station there. and shiru was ranting away "please dun put too much paint or else it will be difficult to wash off later..." then translate in chinese. "bu yao fang tai duo bu ran hen nan xi diao..." so she keep repeating the 2 sentences like pre-recorded hahaha. its quite fun except that the sun is pretty glaring at that time. and the kids keep coming back again and again for the hand print, choose this colour, later choose another colour. jus nice pink paint is in front of me, so i started to promote pink. wahaha.
after that the crowd started to disperse. now its our turn! muahahaha! so it become TP turn to hand print. hahaha. so we might as well bring the whole paint there and really make a big mess! hahaha the in charge say fill up the empty space so we jus leave it to our creativity! that edwin guy do a paw print there and said even the puppy is here to support. diao. hahaha. in the end my clothes got stained oso. not to mention my whole hand is covered by i-already-dun-recognise-what-colour-is-that-cuz-all-colour-is-mix-up paint. hahha really fun! shiru was listening to mp3 all the while with energy song waaaa~~ and we too bo liao standing there and start singing 'yan lei de wei dao' and 'wo men' wahahaha suddenly turn into k box session.
after that we were getting ready to wash up when one boy boy ah di come and wanted to hand print oso. okie lo. we thought no harm so we gave the paint to him. bad idea. his whole hands is dipped into the green paint and he start chasing us, threatening to stain our clothes with the paint. WTH!!!! RUN!!!! first he went to chase boon chao. that is really DAMN FUNNY!!! u shud have seen! wahahaha, the helpless look on boon chao face as he desperately trying to shake the ah di off. i almost died laughing at that scene!! next is poor kim (aka khai han). he was standing in the shade out of harms way when the ah di came and decide to jus smack his stained hands on kim white shirt. ho seh!! and they start chasing one another. =.=||| in the end a lot of us kana his 'attack'. phew lucky im safe. maybe i have the murderous glint in my eyes hinting that if he dare lay his hands on me i'll break his neck. haha. i wonder whose kid is that. so spolit. haix. very bu ting hua oh. if thats my kid i'll tie him up on a tree and whack the hell outta him. argh! spoilt brat! luckily someone managed to get him to wash up and everyone gave a sigh of relief. *phew~~* and its all our fault that we gave him the paint. haix...
we left at around 1030. 2 hrs only oh haha. and the in charge promise they will round it as 4 hrs for us. yay!! so the whole gang left the stadium for breakfast at century. hungry liao lo!! but the fishball noodles sux. esp the fishball. sucky. oh i wanna mention something! shiru and that edwin guy hor.... i smell something fishy.. hahaha. they have been bickering thru the whole journey oh. hmmmm.... hahaha. *wink* anyway shiru mention energy going to gai ban and having an autograph session on 10 july oh!! tai bang le!! yay yay~!! jus nice exams over and holidays coming! energy wo men lai le!! (now jus force urself to study... haix... *ahem* consumer behaviour is the process......)
after being dead for so long, im finally back!! *ta-ta* yeah.. after energy left singapore i also dun have energy anymore.. its back to school work, projects and studies... *long sigh* so one day after watching wan yu, i still dun feel like sleeping, dun feel like using the comp.. jus dun feel like doing anything. then this question came to my mind - who exactly am i?
yea, who exactly am i?! im someone who dun know myself well. i dunno how i feel, i dunno what i like, i dunno what i hate, i jus dunno myself. the list under 'favorites' in my blog here is what i ASSUME i like. but do i really like them? are those really my favourites? i dunno~ those that i dislike.. do i really hate them? why do i hate them? i dunno~ its jus feel weird. i know nothing about myself except my name and where i live and yea im a sagittarius. then? so? full stop. i feel so puzzled. really. i've been living on this planet like for almost 18 years and i always assume i know myself a lot but when u really paused from ur hectic life and think, do u really understand urself? do u really know what u need, what u wan in life? i dunno yehz seriously. *shrug* i'll be happy to wake up in the morning and find myself still alive and jus pass each day in a systematic way, able to eat, sleep, run, scream.. yea.
actually there's a theory in sociology which i agree totally with. *oops! revising socio here!* this theory was saying that everyone is an actor/actress. life is their stage and the roles vary in different circumstances. for example at home u are the daughter and u play the role as a daughter. u know, respect ur parents blah blah. at sch u play the role as a friend. and with different companions u behave differently. so when can u really see ur real self? sometimes we just acted too much that we lost our own self. actually everyone has lost their own self. and i wonder whether this 'own self' have ever exist at all.
well some pple like to say woman are hard to understand... u know what? i think so too. cuz i myself dun understand ME. woman... haix... weird creatures eh? why are we born with this complex thinking mind? if not i wont be here thinking and talking abt this too... haix... who exactly am i huh?
=> Clarine Tham Jia Hui
=> aka Berry, Huihui, Huiz, s0t0ng
=> Horoscope: Sagittarius
=> Birthday: 28 Nov 1987
=> School: Temasek Polytechnic (MArketing)
~* 5566 'tong yi ge shi jie' cOnceRt dvd!
~* Ge dou tian wang vcd set
~* Wang zi bian qing wa vcd set
~* Bugis Pink jacket
~* a&f skirt
~* Converse shoes!
~* More earrings
~* converse jacket
~* i pod mini
~* Mickey mouse cap
~* Taiwan trip!
~* Hong Kong trip!
~* seeing 'Z' in my results
~* Winnie the Pooh soft toy!
~* driving license
[[ TAggie ]]