*[[ HoLiDaYs! ]]*

[[ Friends are for Life.. ]]
dun believe? wahaha got photos as evidence!!
okok serious.. actually today accompany cc and shiru go jurong east there to fix their Creative mp3.. so zhun lo.. both spoil at the same time..
from jurong east mrt station to Creative building, we need to cross a very big field.. *gulp* bcuz we dunno have what bus to take so no choice we went on foot..
see.. the field seems like an endless stretch.. doesnt it looks like we are cross country-ing? except that auntie celin ish in the wrong attire.. lol~ and oh! how i agree with this sentence - lu shi ren zou chu lai de! (translate for auntie celin: man walk the road out! LOL okok sounds weird lah but u understand can le)
though the path was a bit rocky and there's quite a number of small drains to cross, everything went well. until..........
we came to the end of the field.. and this is what we saw.. aye~ from this photo it doesnt seems much.. but in actual fact its a steep slope down leading to the BIG drain.. and to cross the drain there's only like 3 miserable pathetic fragile-looking plank.. gosh.. if miss a footing = fall into drain.. kaoz! kinda scary!! then we saw some Creative staff walking behind us.. and they went down the steep slope and cross the drain as though its nothing... while the 5 of us were left stunned there..
haix.. no choice.. die die oso dun need to cross to get to the other side.. so cc went first.. STRONG WOMAN yea? LOL!! then shiru.. and joyce.. me and celin looking at each other sighing.. LOL~ dun dare to cross.. but luckily i bought a new pair of sandal le.. if not with my old charles and keith sandal i sure slip.. so everyone get across safely. woohoo~ really like cross country liddat!
and the moment we reached the Creative building it started pouring like anything.. phew~~ muz go count our lucky stars.. if not if it rains when we were trying to get down the slope it would be much more slippery..
and ah ru zhuan dao.. they replace her Zen with a brand new one.. wahh~~ haha.. poor cc dun have.. lol~
in the end was still pouring when we left the building so we took another path and take bus to the mrt station.. but was still drenched.. hahaha and the most funny thing ish i think the Creative receptionist got sick of seeing us cuz we keep going back and asked her lots of questions.. hmm.. around 4 or 5 times.. LOL~! she muz be thinking this 5 girls very troublesome!!
=> Clarine Tham Jia Hui
=> aka Berry, Huihui, Huiz, s0t0ng
=> Horoscope: Sagittarius
=> Birthday: 28 Nov 1987
=> School: Temasek Polytechnic (MArketing)
~* 5566 'tong yi ge shi jie' cOnceRt dvd!
~* Ge dou tian wang vcd set
~* Wang zi bian qing wa vcd set
~* Bugis Pink jacket
~* a&f skirt
~* Converse shoes!
~* More earrings
~* converse jacket
~* i pod mini
~* Mickey mouse cap
~* Taiwan trip!
~* Hong Kong trip!
~* seeing 'Z' in my results
~* Winnie the Pooh soft toy!
~* driving license
[[ TAggie ]]