*[[ HoLiDaYs! ]]*

[[ Friends are for Life.. ]]
oh gosh im still sneezing now.. had been sneezing for the whole of today.. either someone keep cursing me for the whole day or.. im gonna be sick..
and its freezing today over at our seminar halls!! very very very cold.. like going to snow soon.. i even had to hold on to a cup of warm water in my hand to stop my fingers from freezing.. *brrr~*
and today din get to eat snake.. *sobsob* today ish hardworking day.. had been pretty busy from start.. cuz im in charge of 2 seminar halls today.. running in and out all the time.. haix.. and somemore its sunday.. so there's lotsa crowd..
oh anyway! there's a seminar on radio today.. and one of the speaker ish Chen Liyi from 933.. heehee.. abandon my work and went over to listen to their talk.. haix.. so sad that i din get into mass comm.. it sounds so fun as a DJ! the lady in the middle ish Liyi (the pic like very blur..).. the other 2 i not sure who they are..
after work its HOLIDAYS get together time!! lolx.. went to eat at suntec lvl 1 there.. which prata claim to be nice.. erm i not sure.. me ah ru and cc had laksa while celin and joyce had prata.. damn exp!! one laksa cost $3.80.. and the ingredient only got prawn.. so miserable!
and we went anderson ice cream for dessert! chao crappish over there.. laugh until like crazy..
see see! simin snatching the whole biscuit and eat herself! wahaha~! no lahz! actually she ish holding on to the biscuit bcuz we are too violent when we scoop the ice cream.. heehee..
and i dunno how she do it but simin poke the outline of singapore on the biscuit! wahaha!!
ANYWAYS! hao lah.. to clear ur name.. cc did brought back something from HK for each of us.. i got a pooh handphone accessories!!! heehee~~ chao kawaii desu ne! hao lahz.. thanx lahz.. lolx! but really hen ke ai!!
okie.. now jobless again.. hope to find another job real soon.. if not have to eat grass again..
=> Clarine Tham Jia Hui
=> aka Berry, Huihui, Huiz, s0t0ng
=> Horoscope: Sagittarius
=> Birthday: 28 Nov 1987
=> School: Temasek Polytechnic (MArketing)
~* 5566 'tong yi ge shi jie' cOnceRt dvd!
~* Ge dou tian wang vcd set
~* Wang zi bian qing wa vcd set
~* Bugis Pink jacket
~* a&f skirt
~* Converse shoes!
~* More earrings
~* converse jacket
~* i pod mini
~* Mickey mouse cap
~* Taiwan trip!
~* Hong Kong trip!
~* seeing 'Z' in my results
~* Winnie the Pooh soft toy!
~* driving license
[[ TAggie ]]